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Shiny gadget of the month: Saent – The Productivity Booster

By October 15, 2018November 20th, 2018Blog

The world we live in continues to become increasingly connected. We all have multiple devices, we watch TV and surf the internet on our phones at the same time, our jobs keep us busy with multiple things constantly going on at once. Multitasking has become a way of life for many people. However, that does not mean that it is a good thing. Sometimes with too much going on at once it can be difficult to focus and actually be productive. If you are constantly being distracted by things you can never really get going on your main task. Well, the time has come that a device was created to help block out the other devices and distractions.

Saent (pronounced saint), was developed to help instantly boost your productivity and focus. Saent is a smart devices and desktop app that work together to create an environment that enables you to accomplish your goals. Based on the pomodoro technique and the principles of Deep Work Saent helps you block distractions and find an optimal work rhythm. Let’s be honest everyone gets distracted, think about how many times an hour you may be trying to set out to accomplish something, but then something else pulls your focus. The gadget has a distraction blocker that you can set to block certain websites or other digital distractions, as well as focus sessions – launch timed sessions to keep you focused, and smart breaks – to follow up focus sessions that automatically calculate how long you should recharge after each focus session. The physical device itself also acts as a do not disturb signal for your desk so coworkers can see you are in the middle of something.

Saent has been shown in Fast Company, Newsweek, Mashable, and many more publications. For $60 I think this device could be worth it. Developing a rhythm to focus and also take a break is key. Finding that balance to maximize your productivity is important, whether you are not taking enough breaks to remain fresh, or you just need help to remove distractions. Saent has a quick little video on their website to see more of the gadget at